Friday, 25 January 2013

Levels and histogram (How to)


Where do you find the levels on Photoshop?
Image, adjustments, click levels, and alter the graph by dragging the lines at the buttom to adjust the brightness and darkness to your choice.

What is a histogram?
A valuable tool that Photoshop gives us when editing an image for retouching or restoring photos. Histogram is a graph that shows us the current tonal range of our image tonal means the brightness of the image. Histogram works well with full colours since you will be dealing brightness value.

Photoshop in Photography

How to:

How do you open a file in photoshop?
File, open, browse, select an image.

How do you crop the image?
On the left hand side box tool, click crop tool, and alter the image.

What is the difference between Original Ratio and Unconstrained?
Click unconstrained and should give you a number of option, choose a size, and can only crop a size on what you have selected. Unconstrained can be cropped to any size that you want, you would also need to set a ratio.

How do you turn an image into black and white?
Go to image, adjustments, desaturate and click. For the Grayscale go to image, mode and click.

What is a JPEG?
A format for compressing an image

What is resolution?
Resolution is the term used to describe the number of dots, or pixels, used to display an image. If you go to file, click resolution change the number to 300 for the size, this would make the quality good to print off, every image is made out of 1000 pixels. The more resolution the better the quality, this would also mean that the file size would be bigger. The resolution 72 would be acceptable for the internet so  that it would load quicker.