Friday, 1 February 2013

Subject Terminology

Hard Light - Contains images of shadows.

Key light - Contains images of less shadows and is more clearer.

Colour connotation - is photography that uses media capable of representing colours symmetry.

Composition - placing or arranging visual elements and putting together an artwork.

Soft Light - tend to wrap around objects giving out a diffuse shadow.

Umbrella flash - You could zoom and have varies of way in which you can take a photograph.

Rule of thirds - It's a guideline of grids in which you can focus on taking photos.

Photoshop - When you can edit photos using tools on the left hand corner and edit photos to make them appear brighter or change the atmosphere and and transform.

DPI - They are the dots in photography.

Unconstrained - They are photos like stock images and vector.

JPEG - A format for compressing images.

Contrast - Difference in luminance of colour and difference with an image or display.

Depth of field - Is when an image is focused and there is a blur in the background of shadows.

White balance - A control system for adjusting.

Negative space - An entirely different atmosphere that bring out clarity in a photograph.

Abstract - Composition in which you can process dramatic images, and are visual.

Representational -Where you do not use photoshop to edit or touch up images.

Portrait - A portrait is an image of a persons face shot in a portrait angle.

Exposure - The amount of light that you get in photographs.

Histogram - Plots the amount of pixels for each tonal value.

Depth of Field

Depth of Field

Is when you focus on an image to get focus and then have a blurry background.
The measure of how much depth of an image will be in focus. Large depth of field will have much of the image sharp and in focus. Shallow or small depth of field will have one part in focus with the the rest blured a small part sharp in focus. Three things that change depth of field. The apature, the focal lenght of the lens used, and how near the focused or is to the camera subject. Apature is measured in numbers.

The two photos that i have taken are a large depth of field and the one below is the shallow depth of field.