What does the word photography mean?
The word phtography means the word photo means"light, control"and the word graphy is for "writing".This 'writing with light' or as us photographers say ' painting with light' was first reputed to have been termed by Sir John Herschel to William Henry Fox Talbot in letter in 1839. In the 19th century photography is a method for lasting images when light hits a certain surface.
Photography is an activity involivng creating art and still or moving pictures. Photography is a combination of two different words which were latin.
Print based media:
Print based media:
Magazines Advertising/ Entertainment.
This image is effective as you can see Eddie Murphy of him doing a gesture covering his face which relates to the writing that is one the magazine.
- Website
The Photography used for is Design Advertisement of a clothing brand, the images are simple. Websites tend to capture the item of what they are selling to people so that they could pay attention on the product that they going to purchase.
- Books
This image is used to inform audience, the photography is black and white
- Newspaper
Inform and advertise, Newspaper uses photography to add story headlines to give us an effect
- Billboards/ Poster
This image used for its Design and information on what they are advertising.
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