Tuesday 4 June 2013

my street Photography

With this image i added the signs again  to make the first image look different by using the clone tool, the next photo i chosen to blur the background a focus one part of the image in where there are dancers in the background so that you would have your attention on looking on them more and to focus your eye on. My third street photography i have chosen to do is to make the background image black and white and keep the mascot its color to create an effect which would make this image different compared to the original I have done this by playing with colour pallete and added black and white and used lasso tool to go around the mascot shape and kept the colour to it's original. The last photo i have taken is off a man in Trafalgar Square who is about to put on act, I have changed the colors of his face and shoes to match with the ball to make it look more funky and stand out more, this image almost looks surreal by the way i have changed his face color. I feel that I am satisfied with my street photography work, as I have accomplished using Photoshop more and is more comfortable editing my photos than before.

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